Quick History
Inspired by the Utah skateboard scene of the early 80's Geoff and Dave Geertsen began to design and make clothing that would hold up to their aggressive skate style. Geoff sold the first pair of pants to a shop called Holiday Skates, in Sandy Utah. The retail price: $35. The label read; FLOPPS DESIGNS.
On the creative side, Dave moved on to produce his own music and fine quality belts. Geoff concentrated on shirts, jackets, pants, and shorts, all cut and sew. Learning by experience, trial and error.
The Quality Quest began. This constituted the journey to the motherland, jolly old England, The home of many mills, factories, rain and FISH-N-CHIPS. Placing their roots in the north of England, (Newcastle). Geoff began to set up shop officially for; Geertsen clothing company in June of 1993. The first shop supplied was a retail outlet in Newcastle called COMPRESSION, Gradually adding more to the fold. Eventually supplying upwards of 50 shops in the UK, SCOTLAND and WALES, in the first 2 years of trading, With the help of Martin Chester (full time sales).
The Geertsen clan packed up and moved the whole operation back to SLC UTAH USA. The first adventure: CHUFFT STREETWEAR, A small retail outlet on 9th south and 9th east. Quickly needing to expand, CHUFFT became extinct, and the focus turned once again to the wholesale and manufacturing side of business. In 1997 Geertsen started using the internet as its main source of retail sales while also supplying shops throughout the world, with distributors in Canada, Norway, USA and the UK.
In 2009 Geertsen moved operations to California. The offices and production were upstairs in the surf warehouse on Los Molinos street, (the surf ghetto of San Clemente, California).
Once again yearning to be back in the middle of the Utah skate scene the operations were once again moved to the Highland/Lehi, Utah area.
Newcastle, England - for the Club Fashion & Streetwear.
Northern Utah - for the Skate and Snow
San Clemente, California - for the Surf and Skate