22 years ago Skyla was born in SouthShields
Saturday Apr 18 2015

22 years ago. Skyla was born in #SouthShields #England april 15th 1993. 2 months later we started @geertsenclothing. As soon as she could talk, she was asking me for little jobs around the factory. Her favorite was to sit and snip all the threads after we made a big batch of clothes. I took this picture as she was telling me... "once a job is first begun, never leave it til its done. Be the labor great or small do it ALL or not at all." I Love You @skygeertsen happy birthday.
#clothing #skatelife #skateboardclothing #streetwear #skate #fashion #clubwear #slc #newcastle #menswear

Labels: #southshields #england @geertsenclothing @skygeertsen #clothing #skatelife #skateboardclothing #streetwear #skate #fashion #clubwear #slc #newcastle #menswear